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    dolls for sale

    i have inhereated barbies and i am looking for a buyer

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  1. Never enough information...

    I have the Haxby series on Obsolete Bank notes and am looking for a good current source on conditions and prices. There are a number of books out there. Can anyone tell me which would be most relevent, please.

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  2. bonedoc's Journal

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    I finally found affordable high denomination 1928 gold certificate notes.

    As a new collector of paper money, I have been smitten with finding gold certificate notes. Although the large notes are beautiful, I am particularly fond of the small 1928 notes. One day a few weeks ago I decided to bid on both a $500 and then a $1000 1928 small gold certificate note. I miraculously won both auctions and now very proudly display them on my site.

    I now am looking to complete my star notes from the same series. I hope to add them to my collection soon.


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    It is time that we demand that our currency returns to a Gold and Silver Standard to finally stop our failing economy. Just as it was done at the founding of our National Currency which kept is strong until the coins and notes we collect lost their true meaning.

    Today I was looking at a recently purchased 1928 Gold Certificate PMG 40. I was thinking about how that note at was time a hedge against the incredible inflation that has our United States currency has suffered. It was a piece a paper that was truly converted; to a piece of paper worth much more than the cost of paper that the note was printed on. It was even more than that it was a guarantee that the government could not print that note unless it possessed the twenty dollars in gold that it represented. This is not news to numismatist, or at least I hope it is not news to numismatist. That paper money that was in the form of gold or silver certificates was not money that is faith based.

    I personally think faith when comes to my personal belief in God is a great thing. However, a U.S. Govement note that is based on faith to give value as money is a bad thing, and that is what we are exactly left with now. If you are person who thinks they do not know what it is like to have faith or know someone that claims that they do not know what faith is just produce a modern U.S. Federal Reserve Note if it's yourself or the person who claims to have no understanding of faith and ask them if the current Federal Reserve Note has any value. If they say it does then they are exercising faith, pure and simple.

    For when the Twenty Dollar Gold Certificate was printed it was done so with the backing of twenty dollars of gold in the U.S. Treasury. The government could not just print money if it did not have the precious metal in reserve to back-up the note. For the possessor of that note could demand twenty dollars or gold in exchange for the note from the government. This form of currency backed by or made or precious metal has survived for thousands of years and was a strong hedge of inflation. Inflation did not climb several percent each year as it does now. Under the Gold Standard it moved in hundredth of a percent if went up at all or even went in reverse.

    Our elected officials both and have done us a disservice by putting us on a faith based currency which in turn makes our entire economy based on faith. There have been several examples of faith based economies throughout history and everyone has or is in the process of fiscal oblivion and or failure. We are, whether you care to admit it or not in the very mists of a continuing failure of our current faith based economy. It is the reason why government bailouts and other attempts to stimulate our economy have failed. The citizenry and world have lost faith in the United States. For a while the Euro was doing well for a world that had lost faith in the U.S. economy and thought the European nations that backed up the Euro dollar were worthy of faith. It has come to the attention to the world and Europeans that they deceived each other and out right lied about the financial assets and liabilities of nations that joined and formed the Euro Bank. The truth has started to come out about the reality of financial status of the countries that back up the Euro is even more dismal than the situation in the U.S. and it will correct its self to the point that if the Euro ends up being worth 75% of the dollar would be unlikely; if the accusation of book cooking the countries using the Euro turn to, being allowed in played a type of pyramid scam and there is no one else left to kick in. I should not be surprising to see Euro either exchanged into a new weaker form or fail all together. Sad for Germans that have done so well and made the Deutsch Mark a very strong currency and makes the British look wise in not joining the club and keeping their own national currency.

    The point of this all is simply this. A faith based currency is good for governments; it allows them to print money as fast as they can because the reality is it has as much true financial backing as Monopoly money. We must demand that our government place us back on the gold and silver standards. That will turn our economy and currency around and we will see an end to our continuing inflating money. It would stop it and keep the U.S. as the number one market in the world and also turn us back in to an economy that is based on all types of commerce not just the service and consumer economy we live with now. Write your congressman and senator and demand that we be put back on a precious metal standard. This action will save the middle class instead of seeing it get smaller and smaller since the last precious metal backing of the dollar was done away with in the early seventies. For those of you old enough to remember think about what your dollar could buy in 1970. If you are old enough to remember what a dollar could buy in 1932 the last year of the gold standard.

    There is something horribly wrong that by leaving my money in a savings account and it will lose value due to small amount of interest paid will not outpace inflation. Moving us back to a currency backed by precious metal will certainly end that, stop the shrinking of the middle class and return those of us that do not get bail outs to a reasonable expectation of obtaining some wealth not just trying lose our wealth.


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    PCGS is worse...

    I just read a journal about PMG's "ridiculously slow service". I sympathize, but get this. I am a member of both PMG and PCGS-C, and I am currently right at 5 MONTHS with my "complimentary" membership submissions. Now, I realize that these have the lowest priority at both companies, but I have always gotten my PMG "complimentary submissions" back in about a month. I sent an e-mail to PCGS-C about 2 months in, and was told they should be complete in "a few weeks". That was 3 months ago. I try to be a patient guy, but .....

  3. dbinpv's Journal

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    snail mail applies to PMG

    I sent in 5 coins to PCGS and 5 notes to PMG for grading, both received on oct 31, 2011. I have had the coins back for a week now and the notes are still stuck in "received" at PMG. I might as well send notes to PCGS also because PMG turn around time is horrendous.

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    Who Knew?

    Talk about slow! I sent my notes to be graded and they arrived at PMG OCT 24th. They are on a 21 working day schedule and by my calculation they are at 24 as of this writing. So far, they have yet to make it out of received status. Just in case you didn't know either, if you submit notes to PMG and they have a show your notes are put on the back burner in favor of grading notes on-site for a healthy profit. Nobody stays behind to grade at PMG they all go to cater to the big spenders at the shows of which none are in the Northwest. PMG says I'm at 21 now due to the three days of shows they don't count and they are running behind at 28 days.

  4. Backas's Journal

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    Very Tough and expensive.

    A breif study on the $1 Silver Certificate Stars of series C,D & E.

    Note: I realize the type is a little small and hard to read, sorry for that. So if there is any interest in receieving a copy that you can read easier you can Email me at hbackas@cs.com. or hcbackas@gmail.com


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    Valid Submission?

    I was reading a journal entry earlier that said "when you submit your 25th Ann sets to NGC, each coin has to be entered on it's own line". There are only 20 lines and there 25 coins.

    Why is there a Quantity column if you have to list them all seperately? I hope their post was wrong...I sent mine in already and I listed the five different coins and just put a 5 in the quantity box. Is NGC going to kick these back to me or am I OK?

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    I logged on. just as I thought I normally did. There was suddenly no collection. I could envision all that work GONE!!!

    I started looking for software to manage the collection. That was quite an experience. I would advise against it. Ask someone if you feel you need it. That someone should have a LOT of experience !!! After a couple of hours of searching, and a note to NGC ( they cannot be reached after hours ) I decided to try one more time with a different email and password. Who would believe it? It worked. Wonders never cease....

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    2011 collector
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    What is paper?

    Greetings to PMG Society Members,

    This is a different path I have entered a month ago at the ANA show in Sacramento (2011). I saw a $1000 gold certificate and hand-shook the purchase. I saw something that I like and decided to mortgage my property by the time the deal concluded. A few days later (after the show), I went to the dealer place of business and purchased a $500 and a $100 gold certificates to go along with the $1000. Now you know what I meant (mortgaged the property). This will be a five year payment plan. And it is also a long term investment.

    That what the hobby is about...long term investment on rare collectible items. Thank you all the people that educated me on the investment of the hobby. Enjoy it cuz it is only money.

    (written 4/21/2011)

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    and Found some star notes

    Hi All,

    Just wandered over from the Numismatic forum with a question for you currency folks. I was digging through some of my old stuff and I found that I had purchased a sheet of 4 two dollar bills in a BEP folder each of which is a star note. Not sure when they were purchased but suspect sometime in the 1980's. Could these be worth anything much beyond their face value? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks and Happy Collecting

    The BeAW

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  5. I can't seem to add my pictures to my sig set

    all of the jpg's are less than 100kb..but the site won't save them...what's my problem


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    Dennis B-migration
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    Why can't paper be as easy as coins?

    I am a coin collector but my son has opted for collecting currency. I am trying to help him find Friedberg numbers for his bills.

    In looking at the list of Friedberg numbers for the $1 Federal Reserve Notes 2003A series, there seems to be twice as many numbers as there are bills, not counting the * designation.

    Are there two different types of bills in the series? If there is a difference, what is it?

    Addendum: I just figured out about the bills printed in DC and Fort Worth but there are still more bills than Issuing Bank Letters. Any idea how the Friedberg numbers match up?

    In case you can't tell, I'm way out of my league on this one! lol

    Thanks for the help.


  6. Jack DeAngelis talks about your MEMERORIES, your MONEY, yor LIFE.

    Listen to Jack on 1100kfnx and learn about why you should obtain silver and the American Eagle Silver Coin.



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  7. virdeb's Journal

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    I have found a penny that is completely blank on the date side. It was never struck.

    I cant date it so what can i do with it?

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    Recently I started to look at what PCGS claimed are part of their standards to try to grade some of my circulated bills.

    Recently I started to look at what PCGS claimed are part of their standards to try to grade some of my circulated bills. So I tried to put them in an excel file to make more sense of them. I also added some of my own to help clarify some other gradings. Instead of just a PPQ or EPQ, I added a whole line of crispness that folled their grading system. I added the following; Limp, Heavy wear, Solid, About crisp, Strong crisp, Choice crisp, Very choice crisp, Gem crisp, Superb gem crisp, Perfect gem crisp. Do these sound good, or too many, or what? I tried to upload a copy, but it is too big.

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    anyone else collect these?

    Hi collectors,I am new to buying notes but not coins.I just purchased an 8 note lot of notgeld notes from Austria that are in fantastic condition.I have some unc notgeld coins but was wondering if there is any kind of collectable market for these ? Any thoughts or experience would be greatly appreciated, thanks, sky coins.


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  8. gunny39's Journal

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    I have a 2004A $20 AND IT IS A S/N 1. ALthough these never come up for auction, I am ready to part with it. Any guess on the value?


    It is getting graded now, I think is should be a 50 - 55.I am a new memeber, so I hope I am not wrong in posting this? I am ready to sell this off... So can anyone think of what this might sell for? These are pretty rare and I am ready to make some collector happy with this one....7022.jpg.4628bab2e38d3de915ace29f9191e04a.jpg

  9. Tierney's Journal

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    Yeah!!They only made a half a million of em!!Sure I'll pay you

    book value,but which book?I've recently began to see prices slowing and even lowering a bit on US currency. I personally think that if one is in a position to buy, now is a good time. As many Americans,I don't have alot of money to spend,but when I do,I'm extremely careful about it..Here we go again..Research from every source I can find! I quite often watch the EBAY auctions and every so often I come across a bill,and a price that's difficult to pass up.Quite frankly, I've seen some very good deals on "certified" high denomination bills simply fail to sell for there asking price...good deal or not...we must still be careful of where we spend our money! Also,it is extremely important that you are very careful about which price guides you use. They vary significantly!! Yes, it's true--Currency is hot, but If you can hold out a bit, that will change this year. I can hear all you Naysayers out there now....NO WAY-Everything will increase,I'm going to make millions!!! Well,I wish you the best of luck, let's say in June 2010, in finding all those "got plenty of money" buyers.

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    All for sale 300+ steveforte@comcast.net

    I am frustrated with the inability to spot counterfeits as I am told from readings that I have read lately. I know that 99.9% of all my coins are authentic I just find them too massive a chore to go through them all. As a matter of fact I have yet to find one in my collection. Does anyone have a solutionas to some software to keep up with inventory, I trade sometimes or sell.


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    Hawaii Star Notes

    12-10-2009At this point in time I know of 277 $1 Hawaii star notes, 37 $5 Hawaii stars, 50 $10 stars, and not sure at the moment where my $20 star note list is. :)