IFEE364's Journal

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Still waiting for my 20th Anniversary Gold and Silver Eagle sets + San Francisco golds and silvers

Be patient, grasshoppa.....be patient grasshoppa..... I think U.S Mint took too many orders before they minted the coins. I have been ordering from U.S. Mint for over 6 years (probably lot longer for many of you) and never had problems with delayed shipments. I placed an order for one 20th Anniversary 3-piece gold set and three silver coin sets. I was informed that it may take many weeks for all of the ordered 20th Anniversary gold and silver coin sets to be shipped out. I was mostly "concer



Extra shipping cost here and there........

Feels like I am getting cheated. Got a mail from NGC saying that I owed them $14.50 in s&h from submission from July. This is the fourth time that NGC claimed I have underpaid my s&h, and frankly, I am getting annoyed with it. Whenever I charge the grading fee on my debit card, they AUTOMATICALLY charge me the extra cost of shipping (which I disputed everytime, and I actually received credits). But when I charge the grading fee to my credit card, they do not automatically get charge



More PCGS vs. NGC

Whopping $4000 difference in selling value!!!! I was browsing through the ebay for the 20th Anniversary 3-coin Gold Eagle set (mine has not arrived yet from the US Mint, and I was curious how much the set was selling on ebay). I was surprised to see how much they were selling for on the auction blocks, but more suprising was the price difference between PCGS graded set and NGC graded set. The PCGS graded set of PF/MS 70 were selling over $9000 while the NGC graded set of PF/MS 70 was selling



My inventory listing on my web site

not an impressive collection, but more coins to grade Whew...... I just got through listing my inventory (coins only for now) on my web site. Not an impressive collection but will update the list whenever I get submitted coins back from NGC. I am still waiting for 54 coins to be returned to me (most of them are morgans). Since the turn around time is approximately 40 days or so, you can expect the list to me updated every 40 days. I will also start posting pictures on the web site. Also w



1891 CC Top-100 S$1; VAM-3 Spitting Eagle

Huh? Someone close to me gave me a 1891 CC Top-100 S$1 VAM-3 Spitting Eagle Morgan graded as MS-62 by NGC. Can somebody explain to me what "Top-100", "VAM-3", and "Spitting Eagle" mean? I never seen a coin with so many titles. Population? As you can tell, I am not a COLLECTOR, only a collector. Thank you. IFEE364 NY,NY



An error penny worth more than a cent?

I don't know what to do! I have found a 1999 "D" penny. Upon careful observation, I've noticed that the thickness of the penny was not even. I say one side of the penny is about 35 thinner than the other side and does not have the usual rim that goes around the coin (meaning the surface of the coin is even all the way to the edge). My question is, is it worth something? Worth grading? What is the rariety factor?



After 45 days......

There have been many complaint journal entries in past few weeks, including the one I wrote. I have submitted 26 coins in late October (yes, in October!) and received them 45 days later. I know that NGC's grading is very reputable, but turn around time is something they need to work on. Has anybody out there received their graded coins after 45 days or longer? Am I the only person? I have wrote emails to NGC numerous times about the coins whereabouts. If I have not written emails to them, I




I have been submitting coin sets to NGC and asked them to slab them in the multi-coin holder. Multi-coin holder seems to be a good idea to keep the coin sets together instead of keeping them individually. I specifically instructed them in the "special instruction" section to put certain coins in the multi-coin holder. Out of about 8 coin sets, only 1 set has been slabbed in the multi-coin holder after I sent an complaint email and talking to Scott Heller, the person who is in charge of multi-



PL 64?

Got a grade for Canada $1 (1964 charlottetown/quebec 100th anniversary?) with PL 64. What does "PL" mean? Thanks.



Worth Grading?

I have a rare (very rare) silver coin that has a hole on the top of the coin. I reckon, someone was trying to make a necklace out of it. Does NGC accept such coin for grading, and is it worth to have graded with a hole?



What does "FBL" stand for?

Hello:   I've got a coin with grading of MS63FBL. The coin is 1953 D Franklin half dollar. What does "FBL" stand for and how does it affects the value of a coin? Thanks.