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Is this an error or a mule on a National?  My Salem, OH FNB Ch. # (M)43 Fr. 650 Lyons | Roberts SN 5227/V967961B pp A/315 PMG 30EPQ beautiful signatures by Cashier Church and Pres. Pow dated Apr 11, 1902.  Much more common with Speelman | White signatures as a plain back.  The back plate is 315.  Notes from this bank dated Apr 10, 1922 carry the Speelman | White signatures and $20s have known back plate numbers of 722 and 1018 (see below)

Fr. 661 SN 1481/Y322423E pp A/722
Fr. 661 SN 5147/Z451299H pp A bp not listed in census
Fr. 650 SN 5227/V967961B pp A/315
Fr. 661 SN 8430 pp A/1018

Since all the $20 examples are from the A plate, and $10s are from an A or C plate, I suspect sheets of 3 $10s and 1 $20 were ordered (see Heritage's Auction archives).  The low back plate number (315) is probably meaningless.  The bank SN of 5227 comes between 5147 and 8430, so I suspect the old plate with Lyons | Roberts signatures used for date backs was mistakenly placed back into service as more plain backs were printed.  Since I don't have access to a current National Bank Note Census, I don't know if there are any other plain backs known for Ch. 43 with Lyons | Roberts signatures.

You should be able to see my set of OH nationals here:  https://notes.www.collectors-society.com/registry/notes/MySets_Listing.aspx?PeopleSetID=16150&SelectedTab=SetListing

Entries in this journal

Another Small Size National Set for MA

It's been awhile since I've created any new sets for Nationals.  I'd like to say, I need room to post at least one more picture.  I have tried to standardize in the past decade or so to post a front and a back in their proper slots.  It makes for a neat looking collection.  So here's that new collection--not terribly impressive and that's why I haven't had a MA set in the past.   I just recently added the note on The Second NB of Malden, MA (11014) because it's a fairly tough to find variet


ddr70 in National