jaa's Journal

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Numismatics and History

Historians and archeologists have long regarded coins as important historical artifacts for understanding the culture and history of ancient peoples. That is why all world class museums include ancient coins in their collections. Modern coins and notes also reflect the historical and cultural context of their times. In order to fully appreciate the coins and notes in our collections it is important to understand the historical context in which they were created. While most numismatic refere



Remembering Dad

My father belonged to the "Greatest Generation". During World War ll he served in the U.S. Army in the Southwest Pacific where he participated in the New Guinea, Luzon, and Southern Philippine campaigns. When he returned from the war he brought back with him examples of coins and notes from Australia, New Guinea, and the Philippines as well as some amazing Kodachrome slides he took during the war. Even though many decades have passed since my father first showed me the coins and notes he colle



Leyte 1943 Military Issue (Unlisted in Pick)

Leyte 1943 Military Issue Notes in One Peso,2 Pesos,5 Pesos, and 10 Pesos denominations have been known to collectors since 2002. The Standard Catalog of World Paper Money - Specialized Issues has some nice historical background regarding the Leyte 1943 Military Issue but then goes on to state that no such notes are known to numismatics. This information is very much out of date. Since I used to believe everything that I read in Pick I was very much suprised in June 2011 when I saw a pair o



Leyte 1943 Military Issue (Unlisted in Pick) Additional Photos

Photos of the Back of my Leyte 1943 Military Issue notes. See my Journal entry: Leyte 1943 Military Issue (Unlisted in Pick) http://notes.www.collectors-society.com/JournalDetail.aspx?JournalEntryID=10597 for photos of the face of these notes. If you are interested in USA/Philippine coins visit my USA/Philippine Type Set at: http://coins.www.collectors-society.com/registry/coins/SetListing.aspx?PeopleSetID=51257 To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be