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My thoughts about building a collection of colonial paper money.

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Entries in this journal

The First Paper Money Used As A Weapon!

Counterfeiting of paper money in North America dates back to the very first emissions.  The only Massachusetts 1690 bills that survive today are raised bills; genuine bills on which the denomination was altered, or raised, to a higher denomination.  Counterfeits were a problem in all of the 13 colonies from the beginning.  Free money was the motivation for the counterfeiters was, for the first 85 years.  That all changed in 1775 when the British placed counterfeit May 10, 1775 $30 Continental bi

Buy the (Free) Book Before You Buy the Bill

If you have every considered collecting colonial paper money you need to have at least one copy (I have 7) of The Early Paper Money of America by Eric P. Newman.  It is the best reference available today on the topic of collecting colonial paper money.  The good news is that the book is available for free!  You can access a .pdf version of the book here: https://archive.org/details/earlypapermoneyo2008eric Now go out and start collecting!