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Collecting National Bank Notes associated with Afro-American National Banks, National Bank notes with Signatures of Afro-American Register of the Treasury and Federal Reserve Notes with Afro-American Treasurer Signatures

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First National Bank of Boley, Oklahoma, 1st Afro-American Bank and No National Bank Notes

The “First National Bank of Boley, Oklahoma,” Charter 12012, (09/01/1921 – 07/03/1928) was the “First Afro-American National Bank” owned by Afro-Americans in the United States and the “Douglas National Bank of Chicago”, Charter 12227, (11/4/21 – 5/21/32) was the “Second Afro-American National Bank”. The myth was that the "Douglas National Bank of Chicago" was the first, mainly because it issued National Bank Notes and the "First National Bank of Boley" did not issue National Bank Notes, (with it

Thomas.Bowers Jr

Thomas.Bowers Jr in National Banks