High Notes

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I've Been Everywhere Man! (Supplemental, Part 2)

I have yet to figure out the reason for the existence of the "black" prefix and serial numbers on some 1,000 Karbovantsiv notes of 1918-21, and as such I've been collecting data on the subject in the form of additional notes with the "black" prefix and serial number variety/error/damage.  Not that I needed a reason to collect more notes.  In my current mania I've managed to acquire several more examples of this phenomenon and I think I'm starting to lean heavily towards the existence of these be

I've Been Everywhere Man! (Supplemental, Part 1)

For the first time in quite a while I was able to sit down and spend some time with my collection. With temps in the low 40's yesterday, and a constant drizzle staring me in the face as I looked out the window, it wasn't a difficult decision.  Even though I've not had time to sit down and enjoy my notes that doesn't mean I haven't had time to make a few additions, and I've been busy. More on that later in a future Journal entry.  One of my recent purchases was another Ukrainian 1,000 karbovansti

I've Been Everywhere, Man! (Part 2)

With three different production sites, dwindling supplies, war on several fronts and a desperate need for banknotes to circulate among the public, compromises were made and as a result several varieties of 1,000 Krabovantsiv banknotes exist. Below we will touch on what I consider major varieties.  KYIV With Kyiv being the first and most stable location, the notes printed there were of good quality and consistency. As a result, there are no major varieties that can be directly link to t

I've Been Everywhere, Man! (Part 1)

If you like collecting varieties (and I do) there are tons of them out there for Ukrainian notes, and probably my favorite varieties to collect are for the 1918-1921 1,000 Karbovantsiv banknote. It's a great note to collect by variety as it is probably the most readily available note from that period, it's fairly cheap (especially in lower grades), and it will definitely keep you on your toes as there are many varieties, especially if you collect by prefix. Before we get to the varieties let's s